It's midnight. You've been running since noon; 12 hours in, another 12 to go. For the first time since you started, you find yourself at a fork in the road. Right: a 1-mile detour. Left: a 40-foot cliff jump.
It's sort of like a plot from Choose Your Own Adventure. Except it's not. You don't really have a choice. You're currently in 7th place, and if you don't jump the cliff, you give up your chance to finish on the podium. Left turn it is.
How did you end up here?
Meet Michelle Ford, one of Canada's best Obstacle Course Race (OCR) athletes. She's also a former gymnast, national team snowboarder, photographer, personal trainer, co-founder of the Fraser Street Run Club in Vancouver, climber, Spartan Team Canada member, and newfound Squamish local.
An Evening with Michelle Ford
As a teenager, Michelle played every sport under the sun, eventually moving from her hometown of Montreal to Whistler. There she trained with the Canadian Snowboard Team and competed on the professional snowboard circuit. After graduating with a BFA and working as photographer for several years, she decided to go back to her athletic career and became a personal trainer and coach.
Most recently, Michelle participated amongst 1700 other athletes at the World’s Toughest Mudder, a 24-hour OCR race in Las Vegas, featuring elite athletes from around the world. Not only did Michelle keep moving for 24 hours, she also crushed the competition placing 3rd female and 10th overall.
We're extremely psyched to welcome Michelle to the Capra family and have her spend an evening with us at the shop, telling us how she found her niche.
Evening Details
Saturday, February 03, 2018
6:15 pm: Doors open
6:30 pm: Presentation
7:15 pm: Q&A
Tickets are $5 and we do expect a full house, so save your spot today!